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Professor Rose Leke

Emeritus Professor of Immunology, University of Yaoundé, Cameroon; and, Chair of the African Regional Certification Commission for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis

Professor Rose Leke

Professor Rose Leke

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Gautam Lewis

Polio eradication advocate and polio survivor; Patron, Polio Survivors Fund, India / United Kingdom

WHO Polio Survivor Fund - Patron Gautam Lewis

WHO Polio Survivor Fund - Patron Gautam Lewis

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Zainab Babagana Aji

Frontline health worker, Borno, Nigeria

Zainab Babagana Aji

Zainab Babagana Aji

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Chris Maher

Senior Advisor to the Director-General, World Health Organization, Australia

Chris Maher

Chris Maher

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Erika Gehrig

Member of the Board of the Association of the Swiss, Interest Group for Post Polio Syndrome; Member of the Board of the European Post

Polio Union; and, polio survivor, Switzerland

Adama Balla, frontline health worker and polio survivor, Borno, Nigeria

Frontline health worker and polio survivor, Borno, Nigeria

Adama Balla

Adama Balla

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Linda Muller, former global resource mobilization coordinator

Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Canada

Linda Muller

Linda Muller

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Edy Bucher

Polio survivor and former member of the Board of the Association of the Swiss Interest Group for Post Polio Syndrome, Switzerland

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